Open Heaven 14 June 2020 Memorise: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. Mark 10:44 Read: Matthew 20:25-28 Open Heaven 14 June 2020 25 But...
Open Heaven 13 June 2020 Memorise: For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:28 Read: Galatians 3:20-26...
Open Heaven 12 June 2020 Memorise: Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth. Psalm 57:11 Read: Psalm 145:4-13 Open Heaven 12 June...
Open Heaven 11 June 2020 Memorise: And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. John...
Open Heaven 10 June 2020 Memorise: The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. Proverbs 21:1 Read: 1st...
Open Heaven 9 June 2020 Memorise: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your...
Open Heaven 8 June 2020 Memorise: The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Mark 1:3 Read: 2nd Kings 23:1-8...
Open Heaven 7 June 2020 Memorise: And suddenly there was a great earth wake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were...
Open Heaven 6 June 2020 Memorise: Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning! Ecclesiastes 10:16 Read: Ecclesiastes 10:16-18 Open...
Open Heaven 5 June 2020 Memorise: Husband, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it; Ephesians 5:25 Read: Ephesians 5:25-31 Open...